Monday, April 25, 2011

Reinventing Yourself

I recently read an article by Seth Godin titled Brainwashed. In this article, the author discusses several methods (seven, to be exact) or "reinventing yourself." I have chosen two of those methods that I feel are the most relevant to my work on this blog.

Acknowledge the Lizard

Godin says that we, like a lizard, have a tendency to concern ourselves with self-image and what others would think. He says, however, that it is this instinct that stops our creativity and that, in order to produce great work, we must first acknowledge and work around this lizard-like instinct. I believe that this blog is my "input" source for saying what I truly feel, without restrain. This blog allows me to display my creative work, comment on it, and gain insight from my peers. This blog allows me to break away from that lizard-brain thinking and lets me be myself.


Godin also says that an important part of breaking away from this "lizard brain" is the ability to fail. We need to be willing and unafraid of failing a few times before we get it right. If we are afraid to fail, however, our lizard brain will take over and we will become trapped in a limited mindset. As this blog is my input source for creativity, it is also my opportunity to fail. It gives me the ability to post my work and, if it is bad, have it shot down. However, doing so would give me the opportunity to go back and adjust my work to make it better and would improve my skills as a result. Therefore, this blog is an experiment and a learning tool for me.

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